
Successfully Transforming Careers For Over 25+ Years.

Discover why PCTE Group of Institutes stands as a beacon of inclusive, diverse, and vibrant education in India. Here at PCTE, every student is welcomed into our tight-knit family and offered equal opportunities, irrespective of their background. Our dedication extends to fostering an inclusive environment that caters to students from all walks of life.

The PCTE campus comprises two academic campuses and three conveniently located student accommodations. Our first campus serves as a hub for senior students specializing in Management and Commerce, while our second campus hosts classes primarily for freshmen and sophomores. Both campuses are replete with state-of-the-art infrastructure, bustling canteens, and cozy cafés—guaranteeing you never miss out on the fun side of college life.

PCTE’s breathtaking greenery is a staple feature of our college. The lush plants and well-maintained grounds create a tranquil, picturesque setting, enhancing your overall campus experience.

pcte pharmacy college

engineering college

Successfully Nurturing Students In Global Leaders

At PCTE, we are committed to molding students into global leaders. We offer a range of co-curricular activities tailored to every student’s interests, whether they’re fitness enthusiasts with our dedicated gym or aspiring media moguls with our mass media studio. Our on-campus Entrepreneurship cell, complete with business incubators, is geared towards nurturing budding entrepreneurs and their innovative ideas.

Our annual cultural fest, “KOSHISH”, is a marquee event that stirs excitement among students and staff alike. This interclass competition culminates in the awarding of a prestigious overall trophy to the team accumulating the most points.

PCTE also provides an array of scholarships and fee concessions based on academic merit and other parameters. For more details, connect with our academic consultants today.

Come, immerse yourself in the best B-school in North India, and turn the page to a new chapter in your academic journey!


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